August 24, 2020 Rosie hypno

The Magic Number: how often should you listen to a trance?

I have stopped counting the number of times a sub has asked me how often they should listen to a trance or how regularly they need to experience hypnosis with me before it’ll ‘work’. I can have a boy lose his mind in seconds when he’s got so comfortable in my voice enough that, when my tone drops, it’s a trigger all of its own. It can happen the first time that you speak with me 1-2-1, if you’ve listened to it on one of my onlyfans before (here and here). I have subs that can go into trance via

August 9, 2020 Rosie worship

Foot fetish: the gateway kink

I say this as someone who fell down that exact slippery slope. Yes, all of this started from a harmless obsession with shoes that trickled into enjoying my beautiful feet being worshipped. Cooked in the right conditions, becoming a dangerous Goddess is a possible result, boys, of exploring a simple foot fetish. This isn’t going to be a psychological analysis of your desire to be under the lowest point of a female, nor a discussion of the Freudian thinking that it’s about the shape of a foot being phallic. It’s also not going to explore there where and why of

August 6, 2020 Rosie hypno

Have you been paying attention?

How closely have you been paying attention to my words, and my lips, on my social media and onlyfans posts? If you’re a good, obedient boy, and if you’ve allowed my voice, face, cleavage to sink into that gorgeous subconscious, know that I fantasise about meeting you in public and dropping you into a trance before your conscious mind has registered who I am and what I am capable of.  Of simply approaching you and saying the word ‘sleep’ to you, your eyes drawn straight to bright red lips and your mind already feeling soft and spectacularly vulnerable by the

August 1, 2020 Rosie orgasm control

Sweet, sweet denial

If you’re seeking fulfilment and a life focused on your submission, I’ve got the answer that you need: total control of your orgasms in the hands of a relentlessly greedy Goddess. While I do adore periods of overstimulation and there are boys that absolutely do not go well with chastity, I’m here to campaign for the cock cage and coax you into locking up for Rosie. Dick, generally speaking, is abundant and low value. There are too many of your counterparts sharing their ugly junk, completely unsolicited, and it’s driving down interest. Don’t get me wrong, if I’m invested in
