September 16, 2020 Rosie hypno


I thought I’d do a quick and easy little blog to explain to those that are hypno-curious what a trance actually is. The beauty of hypno is that we go into trance states every day so there are lots of different examples that can help you understand the specifics of your mind and what my role is in hypnotic play. Have you ever driven from your place to somewhere really familiar, like work or to a friend’s place, and have a feeling of ‘how did I even get here?’ Driving on autopilot is my favourite way to explain trance. You

August 24, 2020 Rosie hypno

The Magic Number: how often should you listen to a trance?

I have stopped counting the number of times a sub has asked me how often they should listen to a trance or how regularly they need to experience hypnosis with me before it’ll ‘work’. I can have a boy lose his mind in seconds when he’s got so comfortable in my voice enough that, when my tone drops, it’s a trigger all of its own. It can happen the first time that you speak with me 1-2-1, if you’ve listened to it on one of my onlyfans before (here and here). I have subs that can go into trance via
